
German public benefit, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including for example associations, foundations, and public benefit limited companies, whose purpose relates to development policy are eligible to apply for funding opportunities –hence, including migrant and diaspora start-ups or NGOs. The projects are intended to strengthen local civil society structures in a sustainable way and with a broad impact.

As a rule, the projects have three to four-year terms and are implemented by the German NGOs together with local agencies in the partner countries. The projects can receive a BMZ subsidy of 75% and in exceptional cases even 90%. The institutions themselves contribute the remainder from their own funds, such as donations. 

For particularly large and experienced institutions, there are also the programme lines of the global programmes. These projects with a larger volume (EUR 1 to 5 million) address complex transnational and interdisciplinary measures and are therefore granted more attractive terms and conditions.

In addition, funding is offered to multi-stakeholder partnerships comprising stakeholders from the civil society, business community, government, and/or academia in order to support partnerships in solving global issues of the future in line with SDG 17 of the 2030 Agenda.