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  • Accessibility

The following information applies to the website www.diaspora2030.de.

The accessibility statement was made in accordance with the criteria used in the BITV/WCAG self-assessment at webtest.bitv-test.de.

The website www.diaspora2030.de was implemented with low barriers. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH endeavours to make the website accessible without barriers. The legal basis for this is the German Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz - BGG) and the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (Barrierefreie Informationstechnik-Verordnung - BITV 2.0) as amended.

The declaration was created on 15.06.2022.

Status of compatibility with accessibility requirements

The website www.diaspora2030.de is partially compatible with the aforementioned legal provisions. Temporarily, there is non-accessible content, which is mentioned below.

Non-accessible content

  • Video capability to reduce the image, audio description and offer of a full text alternative are not available.
  • General requirements for contrast enhancement, different colour schemes, adaptation of font size, font formatting, offers in easy language or German sign language are not fully implemented.
  • Not all graphic controls (all linked / interactive graphics and images) are provided with alternative texts.
  • Keyboard focus is not clearly highlighted.
  • Headings are not organised hierarchically.
  • Partial use of the same link texts for different target pages.

We apologise for any inaccessibility or partial inaccessibility of content due to the above points. We are constantly working on improving the website and removing barriers. 

Feedback and contact

If you would like to give us feedback, report deficiencies or if you have any questions regarding accessibility in relation to the website www.diaspora2030.de, please send us a message at the following e-mail address: diaspora2030@giz.de.

Arbitration procedure

It is possible to initiate a arbitration procedure if you are not satisfied with the feedback from the above contact option. You can reach the office of the arbitration service at the German Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities at the following address:

Office of the Arbitration Service

at the German Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities

Mauerstrasse 53

10117 Berlin

Telephone: +49 (0)30 18 527-2805

Fax: +49 (0)30 18 527-2901

E-mail: info[@]schlichtungsstelle-bgg.de

Internet: www.schlichtungsstelle-bgg.de