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Erald Pepaj in Albania

In addition to his work as a lecturer, he engages for more inclusion in physiotherapy.

Real-life example

Jelena Perić in Serbia

The paediatric nurse supports with her company families of newborns in their first days, weeks and months.

Real-life example

Achraf Aouadi and Rim Bourguiba in Tunisia

With their online platform, the founders offer a digital solution for sustainable tourism and touristic experiences far off the beaten track.

Real-life example

About us

Diaspora2030 is a platform for people in Germany with a migration history and who are interested or engaged in the field of development. If you would like to use your expertise and experience to initiate change and support a future worth living for people in our partner countries, then you are in the right place. 

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Would you like to make a difference in your country of origin? We support your engagement for sustainable development. Here you will find a wide range of opportunities. 

Starting a business

Do you live in Germany and have an innovative business idea that you would like to turn into reality in your country of origin? “Business Ideas for Development” supports you...

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Apekshya Dhungel und ein Mitarbeiter stehen vor einer Steinmauer und begutachten eine architektonische Zeichnung.


Would you like to return to your country of origin on a long-term basis and put your expertise to good use?

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Ein älterer Mann sitzt auf einem Stuhl. Surafel Mengistu kniet ihm gegenüber. Beide lachen freundlich. Im Hintergrund sitzen weitere Menschen auf Stühlen.


Would you like to use your knowledge and skills in a volunteer capacity in order to help advance things in your country of origin? We support short-term, developmentally-relevant assignments....

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Further funding opportunities

Here you can find further funding opportunities for development-relevant activities by the diaspora

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