
  • The company: WildyNess
  • Founded: in 2021
  • Location: Tunis, Tunisia
  • Team: 4 employees (as of August 2022)
  • Website: WildyNess (

In order to promote sustainable tourism far off the beaten track, Rim Bourguiba and Achraf Aouadi launched the internet platform in 2021. The Migration & Diaspora Programme supported the setting up of the business  on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The IT expert and the software engineer have lived in Germany since 2013. Their passion for travel and their know-how in the development of web-based applications gave the couple the innovative business idea.

This link opens a YouTube video. Please note the data protection regulations applicable there. German subtitles are available under ‘Settings’.


Travelling and discovering new things is our passion. Like every journey, the founding of our company is a great adventure for us. We are constantly entering uncharted territory and learning new things.

Achraf Aouadi and Rim Bourguiba, founders of WildyNess

The platform has already counted over 100 bookings for ecological accommodation and individual tours in rural regions of Tunisia by national and international travellers. Through the 30 experiences presented online, WildyNess now supports more than two dozen providers.