
  • Name: Surafel Mengistu
  • Profession: Nurse
  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Association: Macedonians Humanitarian Association
Surafel Mengistu trägt OP-Kleidung und lächelt in die Kamera. Um den Hals trägt er ein Stethoskop.

“Home is where the heart is, no matter where you live.” Surafel Mengistu has returned, to his country of birth, Ethiopia. He was driven by his desire to help people. For the past six months, the trained nurse has worked at a care facility for the homeless, elderly and disabled in Addis Abeba. The GIZ supports his volunteer work by covering his travel expenses and insurances and paying him an allowance.

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An interview with Surafel Mengistu:

What is your professional background and why did you decide to volunteer in your country of origin, Ethiopia?

I completed my nursing training at the University Hospital in Mainz, but I also wanted to gain experience in my native country. Eventually, I found this project: a nursing home for homeless, old, and disabled people in Ethiopia. A friend of mine told me about the GIZ where I learned that a partner organisation was looking for a trained nurse. So I decided to leave my job in Germany and volunteer in Addis Abeba for six months. The GIZ covers my travel expenses and insurances and pays me a small allowance. That helps a lot.


Where do you find the motivation to do this volunteer work?

I think I got the desire to help others from my grandmother. She was so incredibly helpful and treated everybody so well, that had always impressed me. Engaging in Ethiopia and Helping to set up the new nursing home of the Macedonians Humanitarian Association is a fantastic challenge, and it also allows me to spend some time in my home country and to be closer to my family.

[""] „Die Arbeit im Team macht Spaß!“ Krankenpfleger Surafel Mengistu und seine Kolleg*innen kümmern sich mit vollem Einsatz um die Menschen im Pflegeheim.

What are the challenges and the benefits of doing this work?

In the beginning, I had to get used to things not necessarily running so smoothly here. I began to assume responsibility very quickly: in organisational matters, in the distribution of food and medication, in giving hygiene instructions. I pass on my knowledge and also learn a lot myself, for instance about fundraising. All these experiences give me a chance to grow personally. We are currently moving to a new and bigger building, so it is good that I am here right now to help with the move. Simply knowing that all this contributes to giving the residents a better future is absolutely worth the effort. There’s always a lot of improvisation going on but working in this team here is a lot of fun.


How would you summarize your experience of the past six months?

Even though it’s been quite a challenge, I know that my boss can fully count on me, and I get a lot of recognition. It’s great to experience how appreciative everybody is, especially the elderly people. And it is wonderful for me to meet up with friends from my childhood again. I am very happy that this project has worked out for me, and I would recommend that anybody in Germany does something like this. I can even imagine continuing to work in Ethiopia.