
With her company "Sunčev Zrak", founded in 2020, Jelena Perić and her interdisciplinary team offer breastfeeding counselling to parents of newborns and provide concrete assistance on health issues. Depending on the need, they provide advice online or visit families directly at home. The company founder, who as a paediatric nurse has been caring for premature and newborn babies and their parents in the Munich University Hospital for nine years, is particularly concerned about one thing in addition to breastfeeding: that the still widespread traditional understanding of roles within families changes and that men support their wives more in the household and in childcare in the future.

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Actually, I was pushed into running my own bus by the parents themselves. Whenever I visited Serbia to advise mothers with babies, I was told, "We need you here! We need you here!

Jelena Perić, founder of Sunčev Zrak

Currently, Sunčev Zrak counsels about three families per day and conducts group seminars for up to 100 participants per month.  So far, 1,200 families have benefited from the programme. The Migration & Diaspora Programme supported the establishment of Sunčev Zrak on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).